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PK Appeal for Friedrich von Bayern


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Character's name & rank:  Unterfeldwebel Friedrich von Bayern

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:898516941

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Dont know

Explain why you were PK'd: FearRP

Why should you be un-PK'd?: The situation was the NSB were detaining one of my higher ups : Hauptmann Freid Albrecht, I was ordered to go and get him along with 10+ other KG including the Generalmajor. We arrive infront of the MOI and we see the NSB taking Freid inside the MOI, me and some other men decide to doorkick the fences so all of us could enter.  The Generalmajor asks to see the PCO they have on Freid, the NSB ignored us and walked in so I tried to interfere with them and I also walked in the MOI. Then someone from the NSB ordered his men to detain me, I was yelling "Why is there guns being pointed at me" after that I got warned twice in one second before I got shot. The reason why I should be UnPKed : I wasn't under gunpoint for longer then 5 seconds. I wasn't fighting back, they warned me only twice in the span of one second so I didnt even have the time to react to his warning, there were zero attempts for tying me up.

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You were under fear rp and started screaming over the radio that you were being detained. So you were shot. Pretty basic. 

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Using your radio like that while you're under fear RP is very clearly breaking Fear RP.

Therefore you fell under the PK guideline "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP".

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