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Rayan Staff app.


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Introduction Information Section
Steam Name:Steam Name: Rayan 

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): (STEAM_0:1:791575403)

Discord Username/ID:discord Username/ID:amri4lifer



Time Played (check with !time):2w 1d 1h 55m

Your current rank User

Do you have a mic & will you use it?:Yes, Yes

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Always

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Jimmyjr

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): JimmyJr and pennywise turias

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Rayan Harare,Leunant Kasiergarde.They guard and like the honor guard.


How long have you been roleplaying?:4 years

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?:IOn my time on the Prometheus network.  I have received 5 notes. Most of my notes are Random Deathmatch Due to the reason of  I was carried away and enjoying the fun time on Promtheus networks and I got carried away and Random Deathmatch a Promtheus  player. The others are for Making an advert while being tied.  I simply did not know and Remembered this action. One more note for Prop blocking the reason for this was I was playing with my friends and he called staff because I prop blocked him. Which made me learn this action and Has gotten me this far.  My Last note 2 week ago on Jan 10 I was watching a civil war between Kasiergarde and Vsk I got shot once and came back and shot twice. I did get a ban for 12 hours for breaking nlr and lying to staff which I deeply regret. I learned from this action and thankful for.

Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?
Yes, I  have been a Staff member within a darkrp server called Titsrp. I am still a staff member to this day.

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:I The reason that Prometheus Networks has such an outstanding community with amazing roleplayers is because of the outstanding staff team that ensures the community has its problems solved while acting in a professional manner. It is important to uphold all of the responsibilities of a staff member to ensure players' questions, problems, mistakes, and issues that they have had. Staff members ensure that there are no disruptions within roleplay and that everything runs smoothly by getting rid of those who intend to impede roleplay. I believe I can assist players whenever required with their needs as long as they are within reason and within my abilities as a moderator. When taking staff sits I would never act biased and only use the evidence brought to me by the person who created the sit. It is important to act with professionalism because staff set the example for the quality of the server. I am very active on the server and I play in the mornings afternoons during the weekdays and for hours during the day and night on the weekends. I understand that activity is essential when you are a member of the staff team on prometheus networks and I am fully prepared. I have seen some crazy things and I am ready to enforce the standard of the staff team and ensure that there are no problems within roleplay. I am prepared to accept the challenges and contribute more as a staff member for the betterment of our community. My presence as a staff member will be unwavering as I mediate conflict and resolve issues among players while enforcing the high standard expected of me as a staff member

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]There are many duties and responsibilities to being on the staff team of Prometheus Networks but the most important task is to enforce the rules on players to ensure the quality of roleplay and make sure there is no disruptions. Disruptions within roleplay can interfere with the lore and any on-going activities involving members of National High Command. Members of the staff team are to prevent those who intend to ruin roleplay and get rid of those who do. It is crucial to maintain active roleplay with no disruptions or it could disrupt the flow of roleplay, causing issues. Members of the staff team are to set a positive role-model for the community by helping others with things such as their player models, setting a faction, and easy day-to-day problems. A key responsibility for members of the staff team is to take tickets made by players in need and help them. This is a key part of being staff and it is crucial to take as many tickets as you can to help others because many players do not have trusted and have to have the aid of staff members when setting up a recruit or promoting an individual. Another key responsibility of a staff member is to be respectful and professional at all times when speaking or interacting with anyone on Prometheus Networks. Professionalism is a key part of being a staff member on Prometheus Networks and should be upheld while roleplaying on a character and while conducting staff duties. If a member of the staff team doesn’t act with professionalism, it could set a role-model for players within Prometheus Networks and cause for more disruptions. I believe members of the staff team should make it their goal to help any players and especially new players with understanding the server, roleplaying on the server, and any problems they come into contact with while on the server. The overall role of a staff member is to help those in aid when needed with whatever problem it may be, no matter how difficult.

Edited by Rayan
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Great guy, great roleplayer, I seen him around and he is active, would be great to have him on the staff team!

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He's a nice guy and I haven't ever had a negative interaction with him both OOCly and ICly.

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Very active see him everyday.

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+1 Great man seen him around alot hes always active even when no ones else is on i think he will be a good addition to the staff team


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I see that everyone here is believe you would be a good addition, I might as well. But, as others have seen you I have not and I am active on this server. You rarely are doing anything with staff, I do recognize this name but I recommend getting more involved in the community, more characters to expand your reach on staff and more recognizable.


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From my experiences with this guy in game, he does not seem fit for staff.

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+1 sure

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A lot of POs and never heard of you.

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Neutral/leaning +1

I haven't really seen this guy, and he has a lot of POs. However, this is a very strong application and he has previous experience moderating. I say give him a chance to see how he performs.

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Really fun guy to roleplay with & would make a perfect addition to the staff team

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Reapply in 30 days.

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