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Sweepy Killed Warden Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Sweepy Killed Warden

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:93957133

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): 

Which staff member banned you?: De Spi 

How long is your ban for?: 3 days

Why were you banned?:  Rdm - POs

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: the reason why i should be unbanned is because by mistake i thought i over the radio was to kill any the civis that enter. B
ut i should've gave him a warning before just killing him for entering, its just we were told the icc was on lockdown and i was afk for 20 minutes and didnt really what was going on all i heard was the icc is on lockdown and dont let anyone in, so i thought i had to kill people that came in but i must've heard wrong but i am really sorry.

Also during the ticket i did give the guy money and a mp40 because i felt bad for rdming and making him lose his weapon. And i am also sorry for making him upset (if i did). And thank you for letting appeal my ban!.

as i said for my pervious appeals i cannot bake a cake due to real life things, i am sorry for breaking my promise of becoming a better roleplayer. I have read the killing rules before making this appeal, at the time i didnt know he was part of the government i thought he was just a normal civilian that broke in, i hope i can be let into the community for the last time.

I know im hated through the community for me being a troll im sorry for what i have caused through the months i have played, but i am ready to come back and be better.

Additional Information: 

Edited by picklejuice78
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It was made very clear in your last permanent ban appeal that any more serious infractions would lead to your permanent ban being reinstated.

You then got banned again 3 days later...

You're now community exiled with no chance of an appeal.

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