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UnPK request


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Character's name & rank: NSB-Kommisar Severin Bosch

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:149846123

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): JimmyJr

Explain why you were PK'd: Initiated gunfight with luftwaffe member and died

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I was pretty intoxicated at the time, the server was dying and all the sudden this luftwaffe member kept coming out of his base to shoot NSB people breaking NLR multiple times. And the military and MOI/LAPO were pretty much in a giant rdm battle with no real lore reason. Everyone was just bored. When I first went up to the ICC to get a explanation on why they keep letting out this guy desert and target NSB the very same luftwaffe came out in the middle checkpoint hut and put his rifle directly in my face. Knowing he had already disregarded the lore and game rules I took it to myself to protect myself before I knew he was going to kill me. I reacted on instinct because I had lore sensitive documents I did not want to loose, and shot him after he traded shots and some panzer killed me and everyone else present in the checkpoint.  I thought I made a ticket but I guess I didnt. I believe at the most I should Temp-PK instead of perma. During my sit the two staff present told me about it but apparently the decision was already made by UA but they never specified to the staff if it was perma or temp PK. Ill even take 2-3 weeks as punishment since Its pretty evident

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Hello, you were PK'ed for starting a gunfight and dying while I don't see how you being intoxicated or the server "dying" which it wasn't really there was still good amount of people on the time, had to do with your PK. There is nothing really much to say here in the clip below you saw the guy pointed a gun at you and you then did the same and then shot the guy while there were other military members there, I would say that's not the smartest thing to do if there are others with guns, what you did was just straight up suicidal for your character, you didn't fear for your characters life, you knew if you would shoot a gunfight would break out and that's what happened, do you really think the other military guys were just going to stand and watch their own get shot without firing back? Now for the Luftwaffe member breaking NLR multiple times, what you could have done is make a ticket and report it to the staff that was on when it happened. Last thing is that I cannot temp PK as that's only for admins+, I should have mentioned that to you in the sit yesterday, but I forgot to do so but anyways it is up to UA to decide if you get unpked or not. Have a good one. 

The clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jFDJ5fCkzgZB_9hOX?invite=cr-MSxzaXUsMzA1NzQ0MjI5LA

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Hey Jimmy, 

I was making the point that I wasn't 100% in my right mind irl therefore affecting my decision making process, and could have impacted my ability to make a ticket. I wholeheartedly believe I DID make a ticket but I am assuming I didn't because no one picked it up. I agree it was straight suicidal which is why I am just asking for a TEMP PK and not a complete appeal, So I shall wait for judgement from admins. I also did not fear for my life because I had like 6 NSB and a bunch of random LAPO running around nearby so I assumed that the military wouldn't engage and only open fired because I know he had no regard for the rules unlike everyone else present, There was also no verbal warning from him putting me into FearRP I'm not sure if pointing a weapon alone with no verbal or text confirmation of his intention (which out of character I already knew since he was targeting NSB at random) is valid FearRP. Everytime I've had to PK someone by FearRP I was told and had to give ample warning and attempt to wait for him to comply with the FearRP, If sufficient time passes after he then is PK active for being under FearRP. 

Edited by Rat.
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You initiated a gunfight and died infront of the ICC while a bunch of Military were right infront of you.

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