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Ban Appeal


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Edited by .snow
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24 minutes ago, .snow said:


Your ban was made permanent when you attempted to evade the ban on an alternate account (Global Rule #11). If you're disputing the ban and claim you are innocent then why did you attempt to evade it?

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4 minutes ago, Slug said:

Your ban was made permanent when you attempted to evade the ban on an alternate account (Global Rule #11). If you're disputing the ban and claim you are innocent then why did you attempt to evade it?

didnt know ab that rule im new- first day on the server

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You shot at a car that was well away from the military base and then ran away. Clearly rdm. 

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6 hours ago, Gary said:

You shot at a car that was well away from the military base and then ran away. Clearly rdm. 

Because they just went to the military base and kidnapped someone? How about you ask them how they rdmed me multiple times hah. And told me to just forget it all happened

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I only shot one person and it was my IRL friend anyway who didnt complain so idk what the big deal is.

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17 hours ago, .snow said:

didnt know ab that rule im new

Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from needing to abide by them. 


3 hours ago, .snow said:

it was my IRL friend

RDM stands for 'Random Death Match', it doesn't matter if the person was your IRL friend, teacher, relative, or parish priest. If there was no considerably valid roleplay reason to engage in a death match then it is a violation of our rules. If this person was your IRL friend then I would recommend they respond to this appeal because this 'dispute' is invalid.


I would recommend switching gears and changing this ban appeal to be an apology. Given that this ban now includes a violation of Global Rule #11 that will require an apologetic appeal at minimum.

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20 hours ago, Slug said:

Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from needing to abide by them. 


RDM stands for 'Random Death Match', it doesn't matter if the person was your IRL friend, teacher, relative, or parish priest. If there was no considerably valid roleplay reason to engage in a death match then it is a violation of our rules. If this person was your IRL friend then I would recommend they respond to this appeal because this 'dispute' is invalid.


I would recommend switching gears and changing this ban appeal to be an apology. Given that this ban now includes a violation of Global Rule #11 that will require an apologetic appeal at minimum.

Wouldnt be in this situation if the admin called a sit and asked one or two questions and none of this would have ever happened. Just unprofessional to outright ban without question

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