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Shot a guy for refusing too leave the base, he switches to admin character and pks me

Bryce cherry

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Character's name & rank: John Lichmeiner Oberbootsmann

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199097601501 

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): gary

Explain why you were PK'd: Because i died in a gunfight

Why should you be un-PK'd?: i think i should be un PKD because the rule isn't stated in the server opening or anywhere in the military discord, i had no way of knowing being so fresh too the server and i would like a second chance now

Additional Information: there was NSB trespassing on the ICC, they were told too leave and were given a 5 second warning which they followed, then one of them ran up and started taking pictures of the generaloberst and refused too start moving again then swapped too a gun  so i shot them, the warning had already been given out and he didn't obey it, then right after i killed him and died he switched to his admin character and pk'd me. 

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The person you shot was the NSB General. You shot them on your own volition I was overwatching the entire situation, I didnt see him pull a gun just the generaloberst and him were taking photos of eachother, the Generaloberst crashed and you decided to shoot him initiating a gunfight between the military and MOI. Leo is the individual who you shot I have no idea where you are thinking I was the person and that i switched off my character. Leo is the one who requested you be pk'd because you started the gunfight and died.

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You fell under the PK guideline "Initiating a gunfight and dying" in this situation.

You can also read the PK guidelines here: https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/PK_Guidelines

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