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LTAP - Ban Appeal


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Your Name:


SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199512389617

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): 



Which staff member banned you?: 



How long is your ban for?: 1D


Why were you banned?: 



I was kidnapped by The Kontinental,

 I obeyed to their instructions & furthermore was during interrogation for the first 15 minutes.

They were then sort-of zoomed out, them not responding to me (I was blindfolded) and lacked consistency in dialogue.

The Roleplay wasn't going anywhere else, And i was Forced to Leave, As i had to go soon.

I gave them a notice in LOOC, Stating that I have to go soon and they have a chance to P.K Me in the close minutes.

Instead of responding, (They weren't AFK). They waited for me to leave.

Either-way; They had an hour's notice about me having to leave soon. 

I had to leave either-way because i had to go to sleep. (23:36) (GMT+2)

Nothing really happened within the questioning. I was put into a room and that's it.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I follow The Guidelines within Roleplay.

I did not wish to avoid punishment/roleplay, instead i gave them a chance to PK Me and do whatever they could within the hour's notice i had instructed.

I think that it's quite unfair & unfortunate to be banned while attempting to roleplay, while still they simply didn't do anything else.


Additional Information:

I was not officially put under gun-point within the last 20-ish minutes before my departure, meaning (to my understanding) that a PK cannot be issued unless otherwise.

Even so, If "i was" attempting to avoid punishment, i Wouldn't have given them time to commence/initiate role-play, which they did NOT.

I cannot call it even a mugging / or kidnapping.

There would be a reason for such, which i was never presented for.

I was also NOT bleeding out, albeit injured, meaning i could've realistically survived that.


Edited by markercereal
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Also, I know It's a one-day ban, However i don't want to be seen as someone whose known for LTAP.

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When I was typing up the ban, I made a typo. You did not LTAP, you LTARPed and I did not catch my typo before banning you. I sincerely apologize for that and agree to change that on your record.

However, you still did LTARP. I have a clip of you saying you had to leave, and then leaving about a minute or two later. You did not attempt to sort the situation out with staff beforehand. I also had a second opinion on if it was LTARP with another moderator, and they agreed with me.


Have a good one!

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I thought I did a ticket to staff before leaving?

If not, I'll apologise on that.

I still had no other choice than leave for my own health & sleep, and as i did attempt to procrastinate just for them to finish me off, I don't see it once more as LTARP.


However, A day's ban is fine. Lesson learnt, Next time before having to leave i'll double check that i made a ticket stating that i had to leave.

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Next time just make a ticket informing staff that you need to leave the server soon with a reasonable notice (15-20 minutes) especially when you get yourself into a roleplay situation such as getting kidnapped by a crime family.

Once staff and the other players involved with the RP situation are aware that you need to leave the server situations like this will be avoided.

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