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Browniemeister RDM / Metagame/ ABUSE and harrasment


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Your Name: TomRist
SteamID32:  STEAM_0:1:57559641

Staff Member's Name(s):  Browniemeister
Staff Member's SteamID32(s): STEAM_0:0:85295846

Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each):  RDM & abusing staff powers

Evidence (Videos/Screenshots):  https://imgur.com/MhzOH6n


(Had to edit to add more evidence also there are 3 videos but only 2 appear, just click this link to see the other video https://youtu.be/FEd4Ovfe1u4)

Additional Information:  I was just afk and he tp to me and killed me with mp40. Once I made a ticket he brought me to the staff room and also killed me. He also created and spread a rumor about me that is a lie (you can see him writing it in ooc while metagaming). He has being doing this for years 

Edited by TomRist
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  • TomRist changed the title to Browniemeister RDM / Metagame/ ABUSE and harrasment


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After review, here's what I've observed from the clips and picture.

The first one is just chatting shit in OOC. Since you are making baseless claims that staff are abusing, don't be surprised that he comes back at you with the same energy. The first clip is invalid.

For the second clip (and third connected), there is no evidence to showcase that Brownie took your pots. The other clips are invalid.

Finally, the RDM against you is not appropriate, and we have addressed the issue with him.

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