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Ban Apology


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Your Name: John Goldstein

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:0:33198095

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Gary

How long is your ban for?:  3 Days -> Permanant

Why were you banned?: RDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I enjoy the RP aspects and have no intention to minge / troll RP. The military RP is fun. I apologize for attempting to use an alt to circumvent the ban.

Additional Information: Please unban, I am an up and coming member of the military.

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go get a job get some braincells and then comback make a better appeal not like 32 words and we dont care about you being a ''up and coming member of the military''

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+1 Ive rped with this guy before. He's a good person just doesnt understand the rules sometimes.

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Hello all! +1 i know this guy from the Luftwaffe, he follows orders well and is competent. he got a bit stupid and did break the rules but if this is his first offence i think permanent is a bit far. would like to see him get another chance.

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You can make a new appeal in two weeks with more effort.

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