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Ban Appeal - Hambugler (3)


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Your Name: Hambugler

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:551360735

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Brownpug (Extended by Hound)

How long is your ban for?: Forever

Why were you banned?: RDM | Many POs (Edited by Hound: 11th ban. You do not learn your lessons. Begone)

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I want to start off by apologizing to the 20+ Staff members that had to genuinely take time out of their day to deal with me minging around and being a moron, it was stupid, petty and immature. The last appeal did not address this issue really at all, it was instead just giving reasoning to "why mine should be accepted" rather then genuinely apologizing for all the wrongdoing that was done by me on the server, after being banned by Gary immaturely I made it my goal to get perma banned -- this was completely stupid and was just out of pure pettiness from myself trying to "get back" at someone for my own actions, I knew exactly what I was doing when I shot jimmy in that bar he had open and was expecting it and I do sincerely apologize to him for that because his RolePlay during that was completely destroyed and I was just being a dick to him for really dumb reasons, if given another chance (which I know at this point after 11 bans and countless notes seems inane) I will be sure to contribute to RP instead of just disrupting and ruining it for others, again I want to apologize to hound, gary, jimmy, coffee and countless others who had to deal with my dumb antics, thanks for reading.

Additional Information: Previous STEAM acct: hambugler (no longer have access to log into forums with.)

Edited by dooby937
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  • dooby937 changed the title to Ban Appeal - Hambugler (3)
1 hour ago, dooby937 said:

SteamID32: 76561199062987199

This is not a SteamID32.

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10 hours ago, Hound said:

This is not a SteamID32.


(correction: STEAM_0:1:551360735)

Should be it

Edited by dooby937
  • Confused 1
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This will be your last chance.

Any more major rule breaks will result in you being permanently banned, and your next ban appeal will be instantly denied.

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