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He proved he was the god damn boss


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Your Name: Sergeant Mclovin

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:502373918

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Dispute

Which staff member banned you?:  SlickB

How long is your ban for?: 1 week

Why were you banned?:  I guess I was a little too annoying for his taste.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: So clearly I wasn't doing anything wrong. He gagged me since I called his suit red and ugly in short words, of course a few other words were exchanged but nothing to harsh. It all started at the garage next to the bender block. We had some interactions with the LAPO. Which ended up in gun fights. So when right after this guy comes and wants to get in for some kind of meeting, no one wants to let him in at least with to guards that also adhere in the MOI. So we just talked shit to him back and fourth, there were multiple of us. Then some higher up said it was fine and we let him in. Neither of us talked in any real kind of hard roleplaying scenario. So I thought it was fine. With saying neither of us, I also mean the dozen others standing around. 

Additional Information: 

  • Devastated 1
  • KEKW 1
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You have 7 notes and 12 bans, yet you continue to act like an idiot. Your ban should remain, as you don’t take anything seriously on the server and continue to waste everyone’s time.

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I also witnessed you acting like an idiot and minging constantly at the ICC when the NSB and Interior Minister were inside serving warrants.

The clip you provided leaves out how you were acting for the majority of this situation.

The problem with this situation is that you're on a Grenadier character with the description "FELDJAGER RANK GENERAL LEUIITANT" shit talking a member of NHC for no reason at all which just shows that you have no intention to actually roleplay on the server and you're ban history also proves that you have no intention to roleplay.

The next infraction you receive will result in you being permanently banned with no chance of an appeal.

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