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New/old props to add


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i think we should add more props to the server like in the CSGO and counter strike prop list there are so good props and i have check the one that were in the era of 1940 

CSGO props                                                                           CS souce props 

models/props_industrial/pallet_stack_96.mdl                models/props/cs_assault/forklift.mdl

models/props_industrial/wire_spool_01.mdl                   models/props/cs_assault/HandTruck.mdl

models/props_industrial/wire_spool_02.mdl                   models/props/CS_militia/haybale_target_02.mdl

models/props_equipment/light_floodlight.mdl              models/props/CS_militia/logpile2.mdl

models/props_equipment/diesel_pump.mdl                models/props/CS_militia/bar01.mdl

models/props_interiors/bucket_tools02.mdl                 models/props/CS_militia/barstool01.mdl

models/props_interiors/paper_tray.mdl                        models/props/CS_militia/shelves_wood.mdl

models/props_urban/dumpster001.mdl                         models/props/CS_militia/wood_table.mdl

models/props_unique/mopbucket01.mdl                      models/props/de_nuke/cinderblock_stack.mdl

 models/props_unique/guncabinet01_main.mdl        models/props/CS_militia/boxes_frontroom.mdl

  models/props_interiors/waterheater.mdl                    models/props/CS_militia/reload_scale.mdl


I think these props can add alot of new RP sences and people can make cool stuff whit these 


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