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ALT-Ban Appeal.

Saken Death

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SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:712782462

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Both

Which staff member banned you?:  From what I read Rose.

How long is your ban for?:  Perma

Why were you banned?:  I was banned for alting.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  I think I deserve to be unbanned because even though this is about alting I hadn't done it. The reason I was originally banned was because me and my cousin play on the same PC, meaning He used my other ACC to get banned on prometheus but I never knew that had happened until today. I haven't been on prometheus for 4 years, so I haven't been able to do much on prometheus since they were uncensored. Anyways I think I should be lended a second chance because the ban was 1. Not my problem and 2. Not my fault what so ever. I however will apologize for the actions my cousin made on his ban not even sure what it was for.

Additional Information: If you need to contact me DM me at darkshadow05683_dev, And again I'm sorry for my cousins actions

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1 hour ago, Saken Death said:

The reason I was originally banned was because me and my cousin play on the same PC, meaning He used my other ACC to get banned on prometheus but I never knew that had happened until today.

Nobody's believing this. 

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well, here is the steam ID to the acc he played on and they're both under the same network. STEAM_0:1:62683004

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You can make a new appeal in 3 weeks and you can be honest about what actually happened.

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