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Bullets ban appeal!


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Your Name: Bullets

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:746698861

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Both

Which staff member banned you?: elc.r

How long is your ban for?: 7 days

Why were you banned?: MRDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I think I should be unbanned because it wasn't full MRDM, we were going to war with the government and we were being KOSed by all government officials/soldiers so we were under the assumption that it was all-out war and we were having fun with them while doing it, I understand I might have pushed it by going on a roof and shooting down on them but I wasn't doing it with mal intent I was simply RPing with the other players on the server.  If you could even just reduce my and my friend's bans that would be great thank you.  Hope to get on and play soon.

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Hey, it’s Rose, staff member that banned you.

I banned you because you and three other players went onto a roof and began shooting everyone, regardless if they were shooting you or not. Not long after I receive multiple tickets regarding the RDM. After reviewing the logs, it showed you killed a total of 8 people over that last twenty minutes, 3 of them were all from the roof. Another fact is your notes and bans, that made it abundantly clear that you had MRDMd before and have been previously banned for it.

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