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jagi's Ban Appeal


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Your Name: 

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:1:472128396

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Both

Which staff member banned you?:  elc.r

How long is your ban for?:  1 week

Why were you banned?:  MRDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  Me and some other guys formed a mob and were running around together as civilians basically having our own little group then we got caught processing drugs and got into a shootout with some soldiers. After the initial incident whenever we would roam the streets we would get gunned down by soldiers so it was clear that we were KOSed by the government/military. None of the people I killed were RDM and each time I had killed someone was due to them shooting at me or shooting at the members of our group. 

Additional Information: I didn't record any footage of the incidents but if you check logs im sure you can see that I was RDMed multiple times by soldiers when at times I wasn't even armed with a gun. You can also check logs to see that when I killed someone it was due to them shooting at me first or shooting/killing my accomplices.

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Hey, it’s Rose, staff member that banned you.

I banned you because you and three other players went onto a roof and began shooting everyone, regardless if they were shooting you or not. You went on to the roof top with those other players and upon the starting this RDM fest, you continued to assist them by killing individuals and coordinating with other players on where to shoot and who to shoot. However, with you having no previous bans for MRDM, I believe a small shortening of your punishment should be granted.

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