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Ban appeal and apology.


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Your Name: Trace

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:580791877

Appeal Type: Apology

Which staff member banned you?: JimmyJr

How long is your ban for?: Permanent 

Why were you banned?: MRDM / NITRP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  I want to acknowledge what I did was extremely messed up and I should never have done it. I killed a large group of people inside the MOI while we were all lined up, I did this to make my friends who I was in a discord call laugh. I realise now that it was not worth ruining the roleplay for others and getting permanently banned trying to be funny for a few seconds. If I am unbanned I fully accept any punishments that I receive like character restrictions or my VIP taken away. I have been playing on Prometheus for roughly 4 years and have been doing RP seriously for all 4 of those years, but messed that up due to my lapse in judgement at the time, I would like to continue to play if the staff team deem it so. I apologise sincerely and I assure you it will not happen again. 

Thank you for taking the time to read and apologies the appeal is short.

Additional Information: n/a

Edited by Trace
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Hello, I am not against you having a second chance, but what you did at the time was very messed up. You should have known better man, like you knew what would happen if you did it, but yet still went with it. If you say it won't happen again then you deserve a second chance. I had at first banned you for 2 weeks then I had UA extend your ban to a permanent cause of what you did, I think your permanent ban should be lifted but still be banned for another 2 weeks and then you can come back but that's just me and the UA has the final word if this gets accepted or not. Good luck trace.

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1 hour ago, JimmyJr said:

Hello, I am not against you having a second chance, but what you did at the time was very messed up. You should have known better man, like you knew what would happen if you did it, but yet still went with it. If you say it won't happen again then you deserve a second chance. I had at first banned you for 2 weeks then I had UA extend your ban to a permanent cause of what you did, I think your permanent ban should be lifted but still be banned for another 2 weeks and then you can come back but that's just me and the UA has the final word if this gets accepted or not. Good luck trace.

Hi Jimmy I appreciate you taking the time to respond to the appeal and I completely agree, what I did was very messed up and I completely understand if UA do not lift the ban. What I can say and promise is that it will never happen again and I am willing to take anymore restrictions if this ban is lifted.

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Your ban will end in one week.

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