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Gasmask's Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Gasmask

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:74402763

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?:  Slug on 12/01/2023

How long is your ban for?: Perm

Why were you banned?: Anti Semitism 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  I was in the wrong for what I said which was "Fuck Israel who cares about them" and it spiraled into an argument Months back. I was wrong I shouldn't have said it in a discord and im not actually Anti Semitic I was stating an opinion that a lot of people did not agree with. I loved playing on prometheus and played for a long while since 2021. I even played through the entirety of revenant, Ive been staff on here before, I have also donated as well. Ive reached high positions and have also roleplayed seriously on the server each day. So I am truly sorry for my actions and I am sorry to the people it may have effected. I hope to get back to playing on the server and I also hope to make more RP memories 

Additional Information: If I do get unbanned I can Promise that no further Incidents will occur at all.

Edited by Gasmask492
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Was a long-standing Member before his ban, I don't believe he is truly Anti-Semitic but even then he has apologized.  +1

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Good dude, remember him from back in the day. 

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14 hours ago, Gasmask492 said:

what I said which was "Fuck Israel who cares about them"

Really? Let's take a look at the evidence.



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My apologies I forgot everything that was said I did remember it sparked an argument, I do apologize though. My actions at the time were not the best and very out of pocket. I love the server and the people. Im not actually Anti-Semitic and as I stated above I will not ever again say anything of that sort period, as i know garry and discord are keeping a close eye on servers like this. I would love to comeback as a player and actually roleplay in any faction. I played Prom for a while had a few donations, followed whoreson to Revenant where he tried to pk me well did then reversed it. But this server alone produces some of the best RP on GMOD and i can 100% Promise something of this sort would never happen again.


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