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raleninrocks Ban Appeal

Semyon Budyonny

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I was banned around a year ago for Saying some very rude things to Mr. Whoreson and i have done some growing and I would like to apologize whether i get unbanned or not, but I was, Rightfully Banned and now i wish to come back as i have grown to be a better man i believe i would like to ask to be unbanned or at least a shortining of my ban. Thank you for reading and considering this ban appeal.


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Please follow the correct template, or this appeal will be denied.

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Your Name: raleninrocks

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): Steam ID: 76561199533375980

Appeal Type (Apology😞I was banned around a year ago for Saying some very rude things to Mr. Whoreson and i have done some growing and I would like to apologize whether i get unbanned or not, but I was, Rightfully Banned and now i wish to come back as i have grown to be a better man i believe i would like to ask to be unbanned or at least a shortining of my ban. Thank you for reading and considering this ban appeal.

Which staff member banned you?: Major Whoreson

How long is your ban for?: Perm

Why were you banned?: Calling whoreson very ugly things

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: That is up to Mr. Whoreson I just wanted to express My apologies and hoping to play on his server once again

Additional Information: I Would like Mr. whoreson to know i apologize and hope that my ban can be reduced or Stopped now and if i am unbanned i am ready and willing to behave myself and not do this again

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1 hour ago, Semyon Budyonny said:

i have done some growing

Given that you just violated Global Rule #11 you clearly have not grown enough.


Appeal: Denied
Thread: Locked

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