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2nd appeal


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Your Name: Bullets

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Rose

How long is your ban for?: 7d

Why were you banned?: 


Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Well as I said in my last appeal I was having fun RPing with the Government, rebelling against them because I was arrested and stripped of my rank.  I have evidence that what I did created RP for the server.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i7UpwgFJCVHmsvaluRhM62JbbBH3XyVuel1qd4_CXZk/edit?tab=t.0 War that was declared was because of me and my friend's actions.
As I said I had no mal-intent behind shooting those people I feel at most it should be RDM because I was only banned because I must have killed Rose or someone not involved, once I again I will request a shortened punishment.

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Your appeal has already been denied by a member of Upper Administration.

You don't get to reappeal because you don't agree with the verdict of your appeal.

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