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Shot at NSB after being ordered too by a present superior officer, died in gunfight, pkd.

Bryce cherry

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Character's name & rank: John J lichmeiner Oberbootsmann

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199097601501

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): N/A

Explain why you were PK'd: died in a gunfight

Why should you be un-PK'd?: i was ordered too attack by a superior officer who was present at the scene and as such i wasn't the one who started the gunfight and should be un PKD 🙂

Additional Information:  clip of the incident 


Edited by Bryce cherry
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did you shoot first, or your co


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my co opened fire first

Edited by Bryce cherry
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Looks like u started a gunfight then died

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Denied. You opened fire on them and died, just because someone ordered this to happen doesnt make you immune from a char being killed, a more strategic way of freeing them should have occured as you knew they would fire back on you. 

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