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Plz Unban me :(

Santee Gaming

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Your Name: Santee Gaming

SteamID Steam ID: 76561199171151140

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Idk I was banned 2 years ago

How long is your ban for?: perma

Why were you banned?: I can't remember, I don't think I really did anything bad but I remember the server being fun tho

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Because I'm a chill guy, I'll happily bank transfer you $25 to just get unbanned lmao

Additional Information: everyone deserves a second chance


  • Devastated 1
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Hello @Santee Gaming,

Your main account (STEAM_0:1:768158989) was banned by @Houndon 9/12/23 for Mass RDM.
The ban was made permanent on 9/13/23 when you attempted to ban evade (Global Rule #11) using the account you're currently appealing with (STEAM_0:0:605442706)

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