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PK revoke request for ''Walter Schwartz'


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Who pk'ed you? 
I can't remember.

Character's name & rank
Walter Schwartz, Polizehauptmeister.


Reason for PK:

I pulled up to the military base asking if somebody would want to transfer to LAPO, I was not past the gates when a group of soldier descened upon me and tried to arrest me. I called out for help on the radio and was shot dead and PK'ed.


Why should you be unpk'ed?

I really put a lot of effort into my character and invested a lot of time I had a high rank and a medal, I thought the PK rule only applied to pulling out a gun and shooting at them. I should have read the rules more thorughly. But given my circumstances I think I should get a second chance. I promise to be a lot more careful in the future if I do.


Additional info:
I really wish that I wont lose all of my progress I invested into this character over my lapse of judgement. I should have read the rules more carefully and followed rp guidelines. This is also my first offense. I ask you for a second chance please. 

Edited by Player700
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