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PK appeal Emil Potov


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Character's name & rank: NSB-Hauptkommissar Emil Potov

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:502173740

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Jakob

Explain why you were PK'd: I was told I broke Fear RP

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I was standing near the Bank and watching a situation between the Panzers and a NSB-Chefinspektor. Soon afterwards I was being nabbed so I asked them why were they doing that in public space in broad daylight so they shot me thinking that I was talking on the radio and I did not understand the reality of the situation.

Additional Information: I also had a problem with the radio where when I pressed the "button for talking" I would be heard on the radio and multiple people can approve of this such as staff member Turais who was on his NSB character at the time and warned me from time to time that I was talking on the radio.

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Hi Diego,

Your character was placed under FearRP, meaning you were required to comply with your captors and act as if your life was in danger. When the person first put you under gunpoint, you seemed to be AFK or deeply engaged with whatever the other members of the Armed Forces were doing. When you snapped into character, the first thing you said was "I am being detained.". Then after arguing shortly for their reasonings, you came with another statement, "I was here, in front of the bank, being detained."

You say that the use of the radio is unintentional due to a keybinding issue, regardless of whether that was the problem, or if it was deliberate, the situation remains the same.  If this is a known issue for you, then why would you actively report your location? That only implies awareness of the keybind's "effect", making it less of an accident and more of an excuse.

Broadcasting your location while being detained, will realistically result in immediate consequences. I recommend you again attempt to adjust your settings to prevent a similar situation in the future.

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Blatantly using your radio to communicate your location while you're under fear RP is a clear violation of fear RP.

Therefore with your actions you fell under the PK guideline "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP".

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