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Browniemeister RDM / Staff Abuse / Trolling

Dota 2 Enjoyer

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Your Name: Chris Miller
SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:148216594

Staff Member's Name(s):  Browniemeister
Staff Member's SteamID32(s): STEAM_0:0:85295846

Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each): 

1. RDMx3

2. Refused to take my report serious when I made a report for RDM (Which I didnt know at the time, but the RDM'er was in fact Browniemeister)

3. RDM'ed me while cloaked (staff abuse)


Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): 


https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLP7boBXfDxa6EF5A?invite=cr-MSwzVUwsMjQyNDI1MzEs - RDM While cloaked (You can also check kill logs to verify it was him)


https://ibb.co/RkgyFy9S  - Proof of him spawning in a gun cloaked before he initially RDM me the first time.


https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLPbFzv0OfW21f4gU/G5IQC6HSmg0L?invite=cr-MSxTVTYsMjQyNDI1MzEs - Trolling in sit + RDMx2


Additional Information: 

Seeing as he has been staff reported for RDM in the past, and broke many other rules, I think its time to remove him completely from staff.

Edited by Dota 2 Enjoyer
Added further proof
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W Brownie. 


There was an event occurring and most staff were busy. You were insulting the staff and the server because they didn't respond to you within 60 seconds. I told him to shoot your character as you were being annoying and rude.


Don't talk so much shit next time.

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