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Ban Appeal

Death Kwon Do

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Your Name: Death Kwon Do

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199569192127/

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute/Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Pebol

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: RDM, RDM in sit

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: To be honest, I can't remember the exact reason I RDM'd someone because this ban happened over a year ago. But, I do remember it being something very petty. This is why I got the extra offence for the RDM in sit. I started punching the guy that called the admin on me for something so miniscule, and got banned for it. Honestly I'm gonna read up on the rules and hope you guys give me another chance on this server after over a year. Sorry for treating the other people on the server poorly. To me,  it seemed a little harsh of a perma ban, but I know this is up to you. 


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Your ban was extended to permament because you tried to ban evade on three different steam accounts STEAM_0:0:831919947, STEAM_0:1:831807496 and STEAM_0:1:860689626.

What's concerning to me is that there is no mention of this in your appeal.

Could you explain why you violated global rule #11 "Under no circumstances may you use an alternative account, VPN, or another person's account to circumvent a ban."

On three seperate occasions?

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Just kind of thought that the first ban was too harsh. I remember it being for a lengthy period of time. Was just starting to get into gmod at the time and honestly didn't have the common sense that I shouldn't try it  (which I am sorry for.) Was just trying to play on the server again. The alternative account attempts were also around the time that I got the perma ban. Haven't attempted anything else since the ban over a year ago. I hope this answers your question.



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Accepted. There's not much effort in this appeal but since youve been banned for a year ill give you the benefit of the doubt and give you another chance

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