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My second ban appeal (the truth)

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SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 


Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Apology

Which staff member banned you?:  Rose,Major Whoreson

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?:  For spamming slurs and LTAP during s staff sit

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  I feel I deserve to be unbanned because I would change what I did
I am sorry for being a bad person and spamming staff for banning me I was fairly banned and and was an asshole. I am apologizing because what I did was wrong I shouldn't have done what I did and I know that. Slurring at staff members and spamming is immature and disrespectful, and to the person I did this to, Rose I am completely sorry for spazing out on you for banning me I had to leave but I should have stayed. I also want to apologize for lying in my last appeal about the cousin BS. I should have just told the truth in my last appeal and told what actually happened. What I did was wrong and I will do differently by not lying or spamming slurs in staffs DM's if I get banned.

Additional Information:  My contact info is on the last appeal

Edited by Saken Death
made typing errors
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2 hours ago, Saken Death said:

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Apology And Dispute

Why is this a dispute? You're not showing anything in your appeal indicating a dispute.

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sorry, what I meant but showing in my dispute was the truth I will edit it though.


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12 hours ago, Hound said:

Why is this a dispute? You're not showing anything in your appeal indicating a dispute.

Jeez cranky mcranky pants

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Edited by Oswald
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5 hours ago, Major Whoreson said:

Jeez cranky mcranky pants


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