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Ban Appeal – (STEAM_0:1:161094765)


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I would like to appeal my ban as I believe there was a misunderstanding regarding my actions. I was banned for ERP (Erotic Roleplay), but I want to clarify that I was not engaging in any sexual RP.

The situation happened while I was arrested, and the players around me were joking about how a gun was found on me. In response, I jokingly said, "Next time, I'll hide it up my ass." It was meant as a lighthearted comment, not an explicit or sexual statement. I now understand that this might have been taken the wrong way, and I apologize if it was seen as inappropriate.

Additionally, I was blindfolded, and players were smoking in my face repeatedly, which became frustrating. This led me to leave the game, which I assume was considered LTAP (Leaving to Avoid Punishment). I realize now that I should have stayed and handled the situation differently instead of leaving out of frustration.

I respect the server rules and understand why certain jokes may not be acceptable in RP situations. I take responsibility for my actions and will be more mindful of my words and behavior in the future. I would really appreciate a second chance to return to the community and continue playing while following the guidelines.

Thank you for taking the time to review my appeal.

Best regards,

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Denied. Remake this and follow the appeal format.

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