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PK appeal Harold Von Hecktor


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Character's name & rank: Stabsfedwebel Harold Von Hecktor

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:579841409

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): JimmyJr

Explain why you were PK'd: I was running away in 1st person (I cannot see behind me) from the NSB and they shot me, I had no idea they had guns.

Why should you be un-PK'd? I've already been kidnapped 4+ times in the past by them when they had guns, I would have no reason not to comply if I knew they had guns, yet I didn't, as I already turned around as they came out of the MOI

I worked hard on my character recruiting people, assisting enlisted and new players, and helping anyone who needs it, every time I knew the NSB had a gun on me, I compiled, which happened 4-5 times, efore even when they were outnumbered.

Additional Information: over a week on the server (!time) and before the server swapped to imperial and never had this issue till now it's obvious they knew I couldn't see them  spacer.pngspacer.pngas you can see in this screen shot by the point they started aiming at me I was already a good distance away and facing the other directionimage.png?ex=67c60eff&is=67c4bd7f&hm=b40https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jNM0v8qlDyFXC0_Qg/jLZjYAsXlj4I?invite=cr-MSxDSHIsMzA1NzQ0MjI5

I would also like to note that this clip wasn't provided to me by Jimmy, I had to get a separate staff member to retrieve it and hand it to me.


Edited by HITACHI Digger
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Hello, you saying you had no idea they had guns on you but that's not true in the clip while you were running away from the NSB when they got out the MOI, one of them was running towards you with an MP40 telling you not to move, are you saying that you didn't see that gun? I mean you had to have seen it, then you turned around and kept running and they even gave you a warning shot to stop running but you kept going. Also, you saying you were in 1st person while this happened just may be an excuse for you trying to not get PK'ed. Also, you saying that you already turned away when they got out the MOI is just a lie clearly in the clip you were looking at them for a solid 5 seconds before turning around. As always UA has the final word, and they will decide if you get unpked or not.

The clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jNM0v8qlDyFXC0_Qg?invite=cr-MSxDSHIsMzA1NzQ0MjI5

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You looked at the guy who pointed at gun at you and he told you "don't move" therefore you were under fear RP and you decided to run away and then you were shot.

Therefore you fell under the PK guideline "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP".

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