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Banned for 1 day 15 hours for punching my friend in game

Gourd Freeman

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My friend was fucking around in my car in the ICC when i started punching him (with his permission) and he died, an admin saw this and i guess they instantly assumed RDM so i was banned for 1 day 15 hours, when he froze me i asked "What?" after he said "So heres whats gonna happen" and then i was banned instantly with me barely getting another word out and the person i supposedly RDMed did not get a say in the matter, I hope to be unbanned before the time i am supposed to be unbanned.

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I am the staff member. You ran up to a car, out of no where, and started punching it in front of the military and ministers during a roleplay discussion. The car was stopped. You didn't order him out, you didn't yell at him, you didn't even use a gun; you punched a car, do you think that is good roleplay? Whether or not you had his permission this is punch minge and takes away from everyone else's experience.

Giving each other "permission" to RDM is the quickest way to have a staff member assume you are just a blatant RDMing minge, so I stand by the fact this is your fault. 

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Denied. Remake this and follow the appeal format.

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