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Poppadoppalis ban appeal


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Your Name: Poppadoppalis

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:547925681


Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Valorant

How long is your ban for?: 1w

Why were you banned?:  Idk was something about a note

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was on a PSD char and i was guarding a minister the MOL and we enter the ICC and a luft enlisted ( witch i knew was just messing cause me and the MOL know eachother) and he says fuck you to the minister and being a member of the PSD i shoot him not thinking much because i was told we do that even for the president and i get pulled to a sit by valorant and was confused why im in a sit because the luft guy didnt make a rdm ticket and valorant is telling me that i cant do that and i was telling him that i thought that since i was psd i can shoot ppl if they are being rude to NHC and we talk he gives me a note and i just ask him to send me back cause i wanted to RP and he takes its as a insult and bans me for a week so im just sitting there confused 

Additional Information: i personally dont think i deserved a 1 week ban for a rdm atleast and thx for the read and consideration

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You shot a person instantly for insulting a person, which you cannot do and is explicitly stated in the rules.

I was just going to give you a note and explain the rule to you, but you complained about getting a note at all. As I was explaining it you kept telling me it was ok because you’re PSD.

When I told you to listen as I explained it you continuously told me to  put you back and you were extremely rude. You talked over me, acted completely apathetic to the fact you broke a rule at all, and were overall very disrespectful.


I was hoping I could explain the rule to you so you could avoid a ban, but since you made that impossible I decided to give you a break to read over the rules more carefully. please direct your attention to rule 2, within the killing rules section of the imperial rp rules found here https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/ImperialRP_Rules#Killing_Rules “you may not kill someone or escalate a confrontation to murder just for verbal disrespect/argument”

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52 minutes ago, Poppadopalis said:

he says fuck you to the minister and being a member of the PSD i shoot him not thinking much because i was told we do that even for the president

If this is actually what you're trained to do, that's a little alarming.

This appeal is denied.

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