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Ban Appeal

Ryan Gosling

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Your Name: Ryan Gosling

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  76561198985568217

both a Apology and Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: coffee

How long is your ban for?: forever

Why were you banned?:  MDRM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: we were in front of the fenima and someone shot someone in front of me so i started shooting i didnt know i would get banned for it. im sorry for the mistake i must of misread the situation it wont happen again

Additional Information:  i liked my position in the police and the people were cool i really am a big fan of this server i even have the prop rights

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I was actually there for this and you shot me, there wasn't any prior shooting visible to me and I was in the center of the crowd. And if there were I am certain it was nothing serious enough to warrant any violent response. The most important detail though is that while everyone was trying to do their Roleplay, whether you heard a gunshot or not, you decided to gun down the entire crowd. I was an unarmed minister in a state uniform on the Military's side of the street, the Vice President was in a civilian uniform on your side of the street, you gunned us down whether we were a threat or not, whether we were on your side or not.

I genuinely don't think the action you took could have resulted from anything less than stupid reasonings, there is no logical reason to attempt to gun down literally everyone even if one person fired. But at the end of the day you have no notes, nor any other bans, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and this may just be you being stupid and not reading the rules-- nothing mischievous.

I would personally recommend shortening the time to a month, gives you time to cool off and leave the community alone if you are just a minge looking to RDM, yet not permanent so you can come back as a fun part of our community.

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i swear to you i saw bodies hit the floor before i started shooting but if im remebering wrong and i misjudged i will gladly take a month over a perma bann. i really didnt mean to minge and ruin it

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Any further RDM infractions within the next month will result in the permanent ban being reinstated.

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