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Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Gunther Grubermann

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:112801959

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): apology 

Which staff member banned you?: Donzoko No Ryu

How long is your ban for?: perma

Why were you banned?: I was banned on the 18th March 2024, almost a year ago, for RDM and recent PO. 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I have matured a lot since a year ago and understand why RDMing is wrong and I am sorry for doing it. I just want to get on the server now and play some good RP and I promise I have changed and won't RDM anyone ever.

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Thank you for your apology for the RDM. This ban would have been served a long time ago, however you decided to break Global Rule 11 on two occasions after being banned, which is why the ban was made permanent.

You tried to circumvent your original ban twice. The first time was less than an hour after the original ban, the next was three days later. Please refer to this in your appeal. 

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Can you add in here why you attempted to use an Alt-Account to avoid your ban? After that it will be reviewed. 

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