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moodys ban appeal


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Your Name: 

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:424143357

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Prime

How long is your ban for?: 1 month

Why were you banned?: Metagame |               Leo and Thirdeye asked me to do a PK on the then MGD chief (azrael), I did not know what they approved the PK with and what they intended, my sole purpose was to just kill the guy. How I killed him and what i could tell him wouldnt matter, as anyone else couldve killed him. However during the PK as I was in monologue about how he stabbed me previously while I was in the cells of the BB, I believed that the way he killed me was RDM and I should have reported it, however since I never reported it when it happened It would dubious to be considered RDM and therefor NLR rules would apply. I had used information that should have been lost because of NLR (NOT Metagamed), because of the way the PK was done Azrael was unPKed and I was banned. I do emphasize that I did NOT request the PK, I was just the one closest to kill him.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Due to my actions regarding the execution of the PK and how I could have still done it without using information from a past life, I find it regrettable and I do apologize from taking away the roleplay of both the military and MOI factions that would have come from the death of a faction head. I ask that i be given another chance as the whole situation could have been avoided all together.

Additional Information: none, will provide upon request, Thank you.

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