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Johnny Schmidt ban apeal


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Your Name: Johnny Schmidt

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199638688007

both a Apology and Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: jimmyjr

How long is your ban for?: forever

Why were you banned?:  PK

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: it was an retaliation i was unaware that  it could lead to a ban and iam aware now that it is ban worthy iam not gonna go out my way to make the same mistake again and waste yall time, really good server to rp on and great admins to be around i do apologise for my action!

Additional Information: The retalition made sense in my mind but clearly as i found out is not right and reasonable to do so!

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You have appealed to the wrong category. This category is for server-bans, not perma-kills on your character. 

Follow this link to find the right category:

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Closing this appeal and moving to Denied due to it being the wrong template in the wrong section.

1 hour ago, Jakob said:


You have appealed to the wrong category. This category is for server-bans, not perma-kills on your character. 

Follow this link to find the right category:

@BeavisRemake your appeal using the correct template, post it in the correct location (follow the above link from Jakob) and this will be reviewed accordingly. 

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