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Ban appeal rat ronald


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Rat Ronald (Nefer): 

SteamID (76561199228100980😞

Appeal Type (Apology😞

Which staff member banned you?: console ban

How long is your ban for?:  perma

Why were you banned?:  alting

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: It was almost a year ago and I am a legit player with alot of hours

Additional Information: I was banned all the way back at the start of 2024, it was for alting after I got a 1 day ban on my other account for driving around of a couch (the new map had just been added and you could just spawn shit if you wanted to) Im pretty sure I have a few hundred hours on this server and I played legit, I would like to come back now if I may

Edited by Nefer
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You will be unbanned. Please ensure the rules are followed. 

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