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Beach Ban Appeal


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Your Name:

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): 

Which staff member banned you?: 

How long is your ban for?: 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: 
Hello everyone, 
My name is Beach I have been around in the 42 community since early days Prometheus and have been an NHC member and staff member. I am here to give an apology to the community for my actions in the past that may have affected the community and hurt it. I have multiple times left and jumped communities which has made me very undedicated and shows very little faith in my character. I recently went to Time Capsule with Church and Denning to help their community out. However, I came to the quick realisation that the server would never be functional due to poor leadership. 

Church as the Owner is a person who I have had no issues with personally and has shown great character. However, he is influenced heavily by Denning who makes 90% of the decisions as the head developer, who knows little to nothing about his own reputation. Denning has done nothing but talk about Prometheus and Major Whoreson nearly every single time I am in voice calls or text message and has never let it go.  Denning assumes this will fail and in place Time Capsule will succeed. While it's not a bad idea to have, his mental state has declined rapidly due to this fixation. He quite commonly breaks communication with me or blames me for his expectations not being met. He has struggled to build a community because of the simple fact no one likes him and he is not aware of this fact (obviously).

Denning has this aura that takes influence and unfortunately he influenced me to even being apart of it. I would like to express my apology in leaving in the community here and betraying the trust my friends have put in me, who have been the only ones to actually care and help me. I thank you for for the potential to join back into the community and look forward to roleplaying with old time friends and helping out the community as much as possible.  


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was your time at solis any better?


or perhaps you enjoyed your time at olympus, also with denning, more fun?


2/3rds of this ban appeal is just you trying to shift the blame onto denning because you ran out of things to talk about in the first paragraph

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They always come crawling back eventually... like rodents you just cant get rid off.

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fuck off australia

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All are welcome in this Dojo. Don't be a loser again please!

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