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Anya Adler Appeal


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Character's name & rank: Anya Adler , Leutant , Deputy Chief of the 1. Himmelsjager Brigade

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:462800662

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Fidel

Explain why you were PK'd: Broke FearRP

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to address recent actions in breaking FearRP, I had no intention of interrupting the flow of the roleplay I recognize that this was inappropriate. I didn't realize it was a serious RP situation if so, I wouldn't have done it in the first place. Before the interaction everyone in the area excluding myself seemed to be minging, I assumed the inquisitor wasn't serious as he or at least the people around him seemed to be laughing while talking to me. I will extensively reread rules to make sure to make sure this never happens again.

Additional Information: I'm fairly new to the server and this is my first time being a CO as well as being pk'd

  • Sad 1
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+1 free my girl

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Seems apologetic and assuming they dont have PO's, new to the server, is a good person, I think definitely deserves another chance to prove themselves


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+1 free up my girl she's calm

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+1 - Based on the clip I've seen,  This was a misunderstanding of being a serious situation in my opinion, if it was understood as a real rp situation and not  minge time, I'm sure this player would have RPd seriously. A PK seems heavy handed and I would side with accepting the apology.

Edited by Sparrow
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Any time I have seen them interact with anyone, they have been respectful and compliant, seems like a massive misunderstanding due to the hours and way it was carried out.

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I am the Administrator who approved the request to have your character, Anya Adler, PK'd. In the clip from the Inquisitor's perspective, it is clear that this was NOT a misunderstanding but rather a disregard for the seriousness of the situation because of what is considered "minge hours." 

The situation lasted for at least two minutes, where the Inquisitor told you multiple times, both via microphone and in chat, that you were being detained and that you would be shot if you attempted to resist. Despite these warnings, you decided to flee into the Ministry of Aviation building to seek help or hide. Which is in your right as an "in-character" choice, but that also comes with the risk of your character's death.

However, I do understand your perspective. The atmosphere on the server during "minge hours" can sometimes make it unclear when a situation is being taken seriously.

The decision to uphold or adjust this PK lies with the Upper Administration. I wouldn't rule out the chance of turning the Perm-PK into a Temp-PK. If it doesn't, I encourage you to take this as a learning experience, and from now on, acknowledge that no matter the atmosphere or number of players on the server, rules still apply.

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