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aut_ernity's (handsome) trusted application


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Steam Name: TheOblivionist

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:232863657

Discord Username/ID: aut_ernity

Are you VIP?: Yes

Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 2d 12h 25m, though I had around 1 month 2 weeks worth of playtime before the reset.

Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties:  

Hauptmann Maximilian Eisenherz: Former NSB-Chefinspektor, now a Hauptmann in the Kaisergarde. Responsible for administrative functions and the management of the roster. Also duals as a member of the Guard Inspectorate, and serves in the Interior Ministry's Personal Staff as an Inspector as well.

Stabsoberbootsman Rothmund Adrian: A marine-judge who is fanatically loyal to Manfried von Gottingen and serves as one of his volunteer butlers. Aside from being one of the most senior-ranking NCO's in the marine corps, he is also responsible for writing up warrants and conducting court trials when needed.

What will you use the trusted rank for?: To give people their uniforms and change their ranks without waiting for staff. As I have two manpower characters, I will need to use this on a daily and frequent basis in regards to recruitment, promotions, and demotions. 

Staff Recommendations: N/A

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+1 good guy

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