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Semyon Budyonny ban appeal

Semyon Budyonny

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Your Name: Wladyslaw Simborski III

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):76561199533375980  

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  I apologize that i killed him, however i don't believe that it was RDM 

Which staff member banned you?:  Coffee (also PK'ed my other character for "Disrespect")

How long is your ban for?:  2 days

Why were you banned?:  RDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Because it wasn't RDM but we had an interaction

Additional Information: He was not on his staff account when this happened as well as on his Char he had a hostile reaction to me.

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Hello I was the staff member who banned you.

The reasoning for your ban was RDM.

Here was our Interaction: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2bbVf6NwfMLnxj/d1337vhCpUt0?invite=cr-MSxKdVMsMjAyOTcyNTEwLA

I then brought you to a sit and tried to explain to you how this was RDM and you kept speaking over me and kept insisting that this was not RDM.

So I told you that if you do not think this is RDM you can appeal it on the forums.

You also received a RDM note two days ago from another member of UA.

Also for the situation where I "(PK'ed your other character for "Disrespect")" You was discharged and arrested for disrespecting superior ranking officers which you was constantly doing.

You then requested to be shot whilst you was arrested and on your way to being shot you stated death to "Imperialist Germany".

Which is more than enough reason for your character to be PK'd.

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you gave me two options, cyanide and firing squad you never had any intention on letting me go and you openly lied to the police president

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But that's besides the point, I Apologize for my behavior

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5 hours ago, Semyon Budyonny said:

But that's besides the point, I Apologize for my behavior


It does not seem like you "Apologise" for your behaviour.

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Am i not allowed to have my opinions on a person? just because i do not not like you doesn't mean i can't be a man and apologize for my wrongdoing. I do not apologize for expressing my opinions on someone, however i do apologize for the RDM, There is a clear difference of that Statement which i made as an expression of my opinion, and me apologizing for an In game thing that i got a Two Day ban for.

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Denied. if you want to appeal the pk then make an appeal for that too

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