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my KG character was pk'd for defending myself against military


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Character's name & rank: Derek Muller Battalion, 9th Kompanie | ⚔ | Kaisergarde | ⚔ | Rank: Stabsfeldwebel | ⚔ | Certs: MRK

SteamID32: [U:1:1176302964]

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Claymore

Explain why you were PK'd: For Rdm

Why should you be un-PK'd?: im new to the game and didn't realise how easy it was to get PK'd, i got shot,  panicked,  and shot back. 

Additional Information: my KG character was pk'd for defending myself against military, they killed all my CO's after us leaving the base upon request, then shot me after i shot back. here is the clip that got me Pk'ed from reporting player. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2baPYr3LZn7Up8/PkEkTisfRnSC?invite=cr-MSxCSDQsNzIxNzA1NjUs?mobilebypass=true  

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Hello, I am one of the staff members that issued your PK. As i explained in the sit room before you got issued a PK. The clipped showed you running away from military whom got close to you and out numbered you with guns, putting you under FearRP. In guideline 5. (Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP [PK]) Explains that dying while under FearRP. Your character can be PK. Which was approved by Da Epic Goose (senior administrator).

Here are the PK guidelines: https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/PK_Guidelines
To avoid confusion in the future I suggest reading them.


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Does it make sense for the same person that banned to review the appeal?

Looking at the clip the defendant and assoc individuals already followed an order and were chased and then fired upon without any reason (RDM)


Seems a little fishy for a PK to me...

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1 hour ago, DriPPlrR said:

Does it make sense for the same person that banned to review the appeal?

Looking at the clip the defendant and assoc individuals already followed an order and were chased and then fired upon without any reason (RDM)


Seems a little fishy for a PK to me...

Im not reviewing it. Im giving a response. UA will decide if its accepted or not.

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-1 you were placed under fear rp by multiple members of the military and you shot back, which you can do but you need to realise your at risk of a pk doing so.

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We were all new players once who didn't understand how pks work, nonetheless this should serve as a learning experience.

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You were placed under fear RP and surrounded by four members by the Military and you unsafetied your weapon and started shooting.

You fell subject to the PK guidelines:

9. Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP

10. Dying after initiating a shoot-out

Although it states in the rules that 

8. If you are actively holding a weapon in your hand, FearRP does not apply and you may retaliate (even if it is on safety, E+R)

This situation is a exemption as you was surrounded by four members of the Military and you started shooting them and died.

Please read the PK guidelines and familiarise yourself with the PK guidelines if you'd like to avoid situations like this in the future.


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