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ban appeal


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Your Name: BattyDestroyer-3000

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):STEAM_0:1:542780557

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):Apology

Which staff member banned you?:Coffee

How long is your ban for?:2 Days

Why were you banned?:RDM 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I'm very new and because of that I quickly hesitated when shots started firing inside Tiny China, I quickly raised my rifle and shot everyone on sight, since I'm so new I was unaware that the Chinese men are just civvies (I thought they were Lapo or kaiser guard) what had made it so hard to differentiate the Lapo/gaurds and poor Chinese workers caught in the crossfire was that they were all wearing black and my monitor was on night mode. Before I could explain my self I was instantly banned. Please understand my circumstances. Thank you

Additional Information: I very much enjoy the server and have been very upset since my banning.

Edited by BattyDestroyer-3000
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I feel this is a good time for you to review the rules and come back with the knowledge. 


Thank you

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