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Gator's Trusted Application


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Steam Name: Gator


SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:93672775


Discord Username/ID: thegator1


Are you VIP?: Yes


Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 4d 11h 25m


Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties:


Only Relevant Character for Trusted: General der Infantry | Commander of the Army Sebastian Strause


 I oversee the entire army and deployment of all troops on the front lines. I manage the maintenance and development of all departments under the army.


What will you use the trusted rank for?: 


Well since I oversee the entire army I will be able to connect and uniform each member to the Military quickly. Especially during high ticket times it will provide easement to the staff team. I will use the role to expedite the recruitment process for the armed forces. Mainly the role will be used for the maintenance of the armed forces. You will see me personally make sure that this happens.

 I have had the role in the past and hope that I can put it to use again.

Staff Recommendations: Lentz

Edited by Gator
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