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Banned for day because my computer crashed.....


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Your Name: Ansel Becker

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:1:843710951

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Epic da goose

How long is your ban for?: 24hr 

Why were you banned?: LTap

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Because my computer crashed i didn't Ltap 

Additional Information: So i was in a sit because apparently i broke fear RP which is a different story, so epic was gonna PK and my game crashed and now im banned..... i cant even come on to take my PK even tho ima appeal that too 

Edited by bin laden
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You have 24 hours to fix this appeal to meet our format requirements or it will be denied.


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2 hours ago, Hound said:

You have 24 hours to fix this appeal to meet our format requirements or it will be denied.




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Here are your disconnect logs up until you were banned:


As you can see it clearly says [Player disconnected from the server, reason: Disconnect by user.]

When it says this in the logs, it means that you disconnected from the server on your own accord and that your computer did not "crash".

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