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Was going to be PK for fear Rp


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Character's name & rank: Ansel Becker Hauptman

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:843710951

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Epic Da Goose 

Explain why you were PK'd: So was looking for a Co to sign off a transfer paper, i was let in the main gate and i headed to the BB to find said CO. thats when a really angry Luftwaffe came over with others and tried to detain me tbf in was jumping but i was trying to tell them ive been let in and looking for a CO. Once the continued not to listen i switched radio on and it turned out some of the KG were in there base playing about as its only early times in the day.... i called for assistance as it was bullshiz they trying to detain as i was literally looking for someone to sign my papers. They came out and accidently shot me so thats what put me in a sit and to be pkd..... like hello i didnt ask them to shoot me in the head? in the sit the Lufft said i was with them which was bullshiz to i was speaking with one of the military's grenadiers outside as i searched for a CO but he had none of it apparently i door kicked with the other KG guys which i did not because why would i just be stood outside talking with a grenadier if my men were in the inside of the building? i only knew they were when i switched my radio on the asked for help. Epic the decided based on a very short clip to PK me which i disagree with completely, even said to the Lufft just bring me back ill act detained but all im gonna ask you is to sign transfer papers LOL Like tf. and obviously made a ban appeal cuz my game crashed in the sit. so yea, just annoyed been on that char for 6 months just payed for VIP and then this stupid shit happens. 

Why should you be un-PK'd?:  I dont think the PK was deserved defiantly could've just tried RP the situation PK wasnt used as last resort just got in to sit and that was it he wanted immediate PK 


Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2c7uiDD00-vR8N/kVCl9Sk4dXXG?invite=cr-MSxvSnQsMTI2MTMwMTUs?mobilebypass=true


Edited by bin laden
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+ just re watched clip guy said he was gonna kill me so

the feld that shot me lol like what....the grenadier i was on about is stood behind them too

so in fact you cant even use the kg as them as fear rp as it was the feld that shot me?

Edited by bin laden
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Im going to say neutral leaning towards +1 as he wasnt attempting to run away as such but resisting arrest which couldve of been RP'd out it seems to me PK was a last resort?


But please for the love of god use the template...

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You have 24 hours to fix this appeal to meet our format requirement or it will be denied.


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Hound also changed temp for this now too

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2 hours ago, Hound said:

You have 24 hours to fix this appeal to meet our format requirement or it will be denied.


have i done correctly mr hoound

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Thanks brother 😀

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The KG already raided the base before this happened, then you took over the BB with all of KG again. But like you were told by Goose, it doesn't matter if you would be looking for an officer to transfer, you still did not follow our commands while under FearRP. You were jumping while we told you to stand still and then you called your men that took over the BB to help you, which resulted in you dying. You had complete disregard for RP and your characters life.

This is why your character should stay banned.

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5 hours ago, CheekiThorax said:

Im going to say neutral leaning towards +1 as he wasnt attempting to run away as such but resisting arrest which couldve of been RP'd out it seems to me PK was a last resort?


But please for the love of god use the template...

It could not be roleplayed out because he decided to call on his radio for all his men to come and help him and a huge shootout started. It was quite literally last resort.

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You were placed under fear RP and you were surrounded by four members of the Military that were pointing guns at your head.

Whilst this was happening you kept jumping up and down to avoid being restrained.

You also whilst under fear RP radioed in for backup which ended up causing a gun fight inside the Military base.

For it to be made clear you resisted your arrest for 22 seconds before you were shot by the Military which was more than enough time to abide by the commands of those Military members.

The PK guideline you fell under:

Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP [PK]

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