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Von staff application


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Steam Name: Richter


Discord Username/ID: hnsmuller



Time Played (check with !time):1d 3h hade the time of 1mo 2w 1d before !time restart

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): donator

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: yes 

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: yes i am 

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?:Non

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Non

IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Oberleutnant Karl Graf von Richter Feldjager 

How long have you been roleplaying?: about 9-10 years now

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: No i have not 


What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? i have been part of the staff team in many servers typhone , athena , modified and more , I've been a UA-MOD-GM and i have experience within factions' name's ranks ban warn kick votes i have gotten much experience with in staff for about 7-8 years now 

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:I do have much experience within ranks and within staff roles I have been a staff member before and I know all the knowledge about staff roles and GM roles. I have experience with everything I can help with tickets in the early morning hours and night hours. Staff have to be on their best behaviour even if that means that the server has a low player count or has no players on. I like to RP and love to share my experience with others and I believe that I have the standard expertise within the staff to apply for Moderator. I love helping others with anything they report someone or setting up uniform name rank and much more and have knowledge of the community and I would love to learn more and more and have experience with the rules and staff handbook and more experience with the PK Guidelines. I have been staff in more servers I didn't have the knowledge back then but after some time, I did work hard to learn all things about the staff role and about to help others in any situation. I am online on the server throughout many hours of the day. I have past experience in the Prometheus community already, and in my time I had reached the rank of Moderator. I find that when I am on, and staff is needed there is rarely any on. This is an inconvenience that I can fix by being active throughout odd hours. When facing any situation I am just and fair, while also being respectful and courteous. This professional aspect that I hold helps me stand apart from other applicants. 

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: At first, staff have lots to do. Let's say a ticket pops up on the screen. First, they handle it right away. They go to the person needing help and ask what's wrong. Or, they check the ticket to see what help is needed. Their job includes helping others and stopping bad behavior like messing around, breaking roleplay rules, randomly killing people, mass randomly killing people, trying to crash the server, or running folks over. As time goes on, they get more tasks like handling ban requests. But the big bosses have to watch over everything. Overall, their main job is to help when needed and make sure nobody's breaking the rules. They keep an eye on things, fixing problems fast to keep the server running smoothly and sticking to the roleplay rules.

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2 minutes ago, Von said:

i do have much experience within ranks and within staff roles i have been staff before and i know all the knowledge about staff roles and GM roles I have experience with everything i can help with in ranks of morning hours and night hours staff have to be in his best behaviour even if that means that server is no more or have no player's or have one or two player's a day a staff member even of teh rank that hes in have to be on hes best behaviour within playtime , rp .

This is 94 words you need 300 words or more for this section.


4 minutes ago, Von said:

brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format

Please provide this ^

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Very Active
Doing his job’s well 
& Very nice guy

I know he be great staff

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1. Time,

2. No Community Presence

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my eyes hurt just from looking at the app

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Never heard of you prior to your app...the application itself still needs some work as there are still some areas that need attention

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Who are you?

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-1 im ur Chief and ive never heard of you


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Low community presence.
Formatting needs improvement.


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App lacks a lot, Not too much community presence, time spent on the server, etc etc

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