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PK Appeal

Tito 毛泽东

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Character's name & rank: Polizeiinspektor Karl Ferdinand Martinns

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:556448831

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Hound

Explain why you were PK'd: Last night, (5./10.), the military set up a checkpoint outside of the MoI. I passed through it a few times in the day, following procedure and showing my papers, until I was unexpectedly detained. I was kept there for some time and was eventually released. When I was released I started walking back to the MoI, planning to go inside and leave the server since at the time it was 04:00AM. While I was walking through the MoI side gates, members of the armed forces and MoI got into a gunfight. I ignored it, took cover, and after it was over went for the gates, when a few armed forces members attempted to barge through the gates.  I tried closing the gate on them and they attempted to detain me. Due to me not wanting to wait 15 minutes in a cell again, and being fairly tired, I left the server. Next to the permanent-kill I was banned for 7 days for leaving to avoid RP.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: The ban for LTARP is fair and reasonable. Even though I find it silly to ban someone for going to sleep, it's understandable as anyone can use that as an excuse. I don't understand though how I recieved a PK from this. The government PK guidelines state nothing of LTARP resulting in a permanent-kill, and it could be argued that they state the opposite, as PKing for an OOC dispute is not permitted - LTARP being an OOC issue. Next to this, there is no realistic IRP scenario where my detainment would have led to a PK - there were no warrants out for me and I did not commit a crime that could end up in a PK. Naturally due to this incident, in the future I'll try not putting myself in positions where RP situations can start but I can't carry them out.

Additional Information: N.A.

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You were PK'ed under UA approval because you were surrounded by people with guns, and instead of roleplaying with them, you decided to leave the server. If they were being minges or whatever, you report that to us. 

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I didn't leave because they were minging - I left because I went to sleep. They were attempting to detain me, which is why I agree with the week-long LTARP ban. I'm just hoping to not get permanent-killed due to this mostly OOC issue. I would report it, but I'm not aware of any rules setting a time limit on detainment.

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You decided to leave during an RP situation. Instead of a ban you were issued with a PK. 

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