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Ban appeal


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Your Name:  Criss Muller

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:142571917


Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Dispute

Which staff member banned you?:  CheekiThorax

How long is your ban for?: 2 days

Why were you banned?:  LTAP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  I deserve because I was in base and I got off the server, In 2ish hours I get back on and I have been banned I didn't have anyone near me and I didn't get pulled.

Additional Information: A little before I got off I got pulled but it got resolved.

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Yes I am the one who gave you the 2 day ban prior to you being banned you had an report for rdm I want to say 45 minutes prior to which I warned you to not do it again otherwise the consequences would be far greater.

And roughly 10 minutes before you were banned a member of the lapo reported you for RDM and when I checked the logs you disconnected by user straight after you killed him, leading me to this decision.


(Once I get to my PC I will provide the clips given to myself)


Edited by CheekiThorax
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