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autopzyy ban appeal


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Your Name: autopzyy

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:0:98628978

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Coffee

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: NITRP | MASS RDM | NLR | PO's

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was heavily minging on gmod for a good while and got banned from a lot of servers but those days are behind me and I actually had a lot of fun on this server. Just posting this in hopes I might be able to return and properly rank up my characters.

Additional Information: ban date 2023-11-06

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could you tell us why you tried to ban evade?

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9 hours ago, marki said:

could you tell us why you tried to ban evade?

not sure about this one, it was a while ago and my ip currently is not blacklisted so maybe a bluff?

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2 minutes ago, autopzyy said:

not sure about this one, it was a while ago and my ip currently is not blacklisted so maybe a bluff?

nope, try again


Edited by marki
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You can make a new ban appeal in two weeks explaining why you attempted to ban evade.

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  • Coffee locked this topic

Wow. You really don't learn do you?


Now you can reappeal in two months.

  • Haha 1
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