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Angels Appeal


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Your Name: Angel

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:1526798699

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?:  Valyy

How long is your ban for?:  2 Days

Why were you banned?:  Micspamming

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:   I was being retarded, and driving around in a car micspamming Serbian music, and drove past a Polizeianwarter, he grabbed me, and there was no escape. I apologized on site, told him, let's work it out, yet to no avail. I was being dumb, mostly due to alcohol. I should go play other games when intoxicated, and I didn't. I would like to yield and show reflection upon this error. Obviously this is no suprise to long standing staff members, but at the end of the day, it was just some noise in a car passing by. I'd like to get back to the more important aspects of the server. Once again, I extend my apologies for spamming my soundboard. Have an excellent evening.

Additional Information: I’d like to also add, the official ban note was 

“Micspam with a AI Hit*** song."

This is not accurate, because I was playing Serbian music. This could have been discussed if I would have been pulled to a staff sit in a staff square instead of banned on the street with no discussion. 

Instead, I was told “I’m giving you a break.” With no discussion or official statement in a staff sit. All conducted on a police character. 

While I was absolutely playing music, I was not playing anything related to the Third Reich. 

Good day.

Edited by Angel
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The song you stated to have played was played before by someone I had punished for Micspamming. I don't recall if that was you. Though, I remember vividly how you played a song that was 'covered' by a AI Hitler voice. I'm not sure what song it was since you drove past and the moment I grabbed you, you stopped playing it.

All in all, I don't hold any grudges against you. I was informed of your circumstances which I wont go into a deeper detail to for your own privacy by another UA member. I just hope that the next time you would make a appeal directly instead of contacting members of UA, since it is a hassle to have to explain the same thing twice or more as a staff member.

Edited by valyy
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I hold no grudge either. Obviously if another individual was conducting an action, it’s easy to mistake a similar situation for a past one. Regardless, I shouldn’t have been mic spamming music anyway, in accordance with Rule 8 of the server, but I was being dumb, so I extend my condolences. Regardless, I should be more responsible. Good day.

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You continuously get yourself into these situations. You should understand the rules by now with the amounts of times you have been banned/unbanned. 

Take this time to read over the server rules once again. 

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