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Oskar Holzhaus-Traufe Ban Appeal


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Character's name & rank: Stabsfeldwebel Oskar Holzhaus-Traufe

SteamID32: 76561199309961768

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): 

Explain why you were PK'd:

The Admin I spoke to said I had broken a rule about FearRP which had caused me to be PKed. I'll just say here the situation.

I was a Feldjager at the ICC Gates during high tensions with the LAPO and NSB who were standing outside it. Multiple people jumped over the front barricades and some began to surround me. There were multiple other military members with guns out on safety with me. They said to stop moving, I did jump twice but then stopped. Then gunfire came from behind them and the people surrounding me moved and turned to shoot. I then went to get in cover but was shot by one of the NSB.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: 

The fact that the group that had surrounded me had dispersed to fire at others makes me believe that I was free to run. The point of FearRP is to make it more realistic, so I believe that any person would run to cover if a gunfight like that broke out.

Also, I believe that the members of the NSB specifically target higher-ranked NCO's to get PKed to mess with player numbers in the military and not for any issues with the roleplay they experience.

Additional Information: 

I have a screenshot of my view when I decided to leave which shows that I was not surrounded and they were not aiming at me. Not sure how to post it here but I could send it on discord if you want.

Edited by plint
Added info about screenshot
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Hello I was the staff member who Pked you with approval alongside UA, I firstly wanna thank you for using the forums and utilizing it to make an appeal for this PK. There is evidence missing that can detail and show why this PK was valid and that will be linked at the end of my message. The reason you were Pked is because Fear RP was instilled in the roleplay situation and you disregarded it in a flee for your characters life.


You were firstly surrounded by 4 members of NSB all 4 members had weapons on you and repeatedly were telling you that if you continued moving you would be shot. These members attempted to tie you and you had resisted by crouching and then you ran when the opportunity arose showing no value for your life. 


In the guidelines of Fear RP it states that

While under FearRP you are required to oblige by the commands of your captor. If you attempt to escape or pull out a weapon to fight back but are killed that would then display a disregard for your own safety. This is a calculated risk you took, or a denial to value your own life, which will result in your PK.”

this was entirely broken and you did not oblige with the NSB who were detaining you and their demands to stop moving but you also attempted to run and disregarded your safety taking the “calculated risk” which showed you had no regard for your own life and ended in your PK.



Edited by Aurelius of Phoenix
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Thank you for your response. I still do not believe the result is as clear-cut as you present. The 4 NSB that had surrounded me had jumped over a barricade with guards on the ground and gate behind with no fear for their lives and decided to detain me for no valid reason. The rules state:

You must have a valid reason to place someone under FearRP (I.E. Reason to forcibly detain, question, kidnap, or mug)

Is it reasonable for them to enter ICC grounds and detain and/or question me? Could I get a group of Feldjagers and enter the MOI front gates to detain and question them? It does not make sense in the roleplay scenario for this to happen. 

Also, the clip shows that it was only a brief period that I was surrounded and given orders. The rules also state:

If you're holding someone under FearRP and are issuing them orders/warnings to not do something, and they disobey you, then you may kill them; however, it should not be your first choice of action. In this situation, one single warning/order will not suffice, multiple warnings in a very short time span will also not suffice, you must give them adequate time to react. When in game, you are actively a part of the roleplay, and therefore you must also be actively aware of your environment as well.

The 8-10 seconds that I was surrounded does not seem like an adequate life span to warrant a PK, and this is coupled with the fact that they turned to shoot at a group outside the ICC. The third rule I will present is this:

If the player with the weapon puts it away or turns his line of sight (meaning the player has completely turned away and is not even slightly facing you or has entirely shifted their focus away from you (this is usually at an angle of larger than 90 degrees)), FearRP will no longer be in effect and you may take this window of opportunity to retaliate with little to no risk.

The players turned, and from the screenshot I sent on Discord DM, my perspective was that the group had stopped surrounding me and I could escape. I took no retaliation but went to run to cover during this gunfight.

I believe that the rules and evidence I have presented here is sufficient enough to un-PK my character and I hope to hear the same from you. I am new to the server and have only been here four days, but as I have read the rules I believe that my character is not worthy of a PK.

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You fell under the PK guideline:

Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP

Overall Phoenix's response provides an excellent explanation as to why you were PK'd.

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